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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Labour abandon their manifesto commitment to 16 and 17 year olds

Liberal Democrat Voice records yet another incident in which Labour has effectively given up its role as an effective opposition. Unfortunately, there has been very little publicity of the decision by Labour peers yesterday to walk away from their manifesto commitment and allow the Government to gets its way in denying the vote to 16 and 17 year olds.

Labour failed to turn out in support of John Shipley’s votes at 16 motion despite supporting the issue just weeks ago in the European Referendum Bill. The defeat means that the Cities and Local Government Bill has now completed its passage through Parliament.

As a result of this abdication, over a million people will not get a voice in future local elections. It seems that not only are Labour no longer interested in being an opposition but they cannot be relied upon to back their own policies.

The Liberal Democrats at least are stepping up to the mark and are continuing to scrutinise, amend and fight all the damaging legislation the Tories bring forward.
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