Thursday, December 03, 2015
Report finds that Welsh Lib Dems pupil deprivation grant is making a real difference for under-performing kids
It is gratifying to find that a policy that we have advocated and forced the Welsh Government to put into effect is fulfilling its potential and making a real difference to the educational attainment of children from poorer backgrounds.
That though is what an independent evaluation of the Pupil Deprivation Grant, published today, has found:
The report shows that:
That though is what an independent evaluation of the Pupil Deprivation Grant, published today, has found:
The report shows that:
- Teachers believe the Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) is making a real difference to target pupils and are reporting significant improvements in English and Maths grades as a result
- Schools are using increasingly sophisticated systems to ensure the PDG reaches the pupils it is designed to help
- Schools are using the grant to increase the number and skills of teaching assistants who can implement interventions that will narrow the attainment gap
- At key stage 2 the rates of improvement of pupils eligible for free school meals in English, Welsh, Science and Maths is nearly double that of other pupils
- Improvement in attendance of pupils eligible for free school means has accelerated since the introduction of the PDG