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Friday, July 10, 2015

M4 relief road thrown into doubt by Welsh Government process failures

Claims reflected by the Western Mail that the M4 relief road around Newport is to be scrapped because of a peculiar cock-up in the process by the Welsh Government may well prove to be unduly optimistic, but there is no doubt that Ministers and their officials have blundered once more and that it is going to cost taxpayers more money.

The paper reports that a Cabinet decision to press ahead with Transport Minister Edwina Hart’s favoured route is now considered to be fatally flawed due to the fact that a cabinet meeting which gave the go-ahead to the project was not attended by transport, environmental or legal officials to answer Minister's questions.

Blunders of this kind are perhaps a sign that a party has been in power too long and is getting stale and complacent. Nevertheless, if I were the Economy and Transport Minister I would want to know from officials how it is that they could expose the government to judicial review in this way and why they were not doing their jobs in covering all the bases.
This is going to upset Conservative ministers in Westminster who are very keen on the M4 upgrade - wanting to get to the Millennium Stadium quicker?

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