
Friday, February 14, 2025

Reeves under pressure

The Independent reports that Rachel Reeves is under mounting pressure over allegations she used company expenses in a former job to buy handbags, perfume, earrings and wine for colleagues, and exaggerated her Bank of England experience on her CV.

The paper says that the BBC has alleged that before entering parliament, the chancellor was one of three employees investigated by Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS) for using her expenses to "fund a lifestyle" with inappropriate spending on dinners, events, taxis and gifts.

The broadcaster uncovered documents it said showed Ms Reeves was accused of spending hundreds of pounds on the items, including one gift for her boss. Concerns were reportedly raised about her spending on taxis and on a Christmas party, with one whistleblower believing it to be excessive, the BBC said.

A former colleague told the BBC Ms Reeves was among senior managers who had “a very cavalier attitude regarding the budget in the department,” and cited a leaving meal for a colleague costing more than £400 for which Ms Reeves used a company spending card.

The BBC investigation also found Ms Reeves stopped working for the Bank of England nine months earlier than it stated on her LinkedIn profile.

The reports are a major embarrassment and are likely to lead to more questions over whether she can continue as chancellor, as the economy struggles under the impact of her Budget.

But Reeves’ spokesman said she did not recall being investigated by HBOS or facing questions over her expenses.

Sir Keir Starmer backed Ms Reeves, and his official spokesman said the prime minister he has no concerns about her conduct.

But Labour grandee Siobhain McDonagh, said there are “questions to be asked” even as she described the chancellor as “one of the most hardworking, honest politicians that I have ever met”.

She said: “We’ve got to be sure about what happened with the expenses scandal. As far as I’m aware she absolutely denies that she was approached by anybody about the expenses scandal. So I think there’s still questions to be asked about what is going on and we’ll see what happens.”

Labour are discovering how difficult it is to stick to their agenda when stories like tis emerge.

1 comment:

  1. CVs 'Doctoring' goes on to sell yourself to obtain an interview.You make it as good as possible to get that interview whence you can then 'sell' yourself for that job.It is the 1st step on the ladder.You then throw yourself into that job to create your success.Nothing new in aiming to achieve your career.
    Me!- I was 100% honest with my CVs re jobs and qualifications done, past.Got no interviews.Did I not do my RESEARCH for the job correctly to fix that interview?Anyway,life moves on.
    With Reeves I sense political motive to 'get at her' for all the 'errors' (positive things done but NOT MENTIONED) that have happened.


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