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Friday, August 09, 2024

Welsh Tory leader accused of Islamophobia

Nation Cymru report that the Welsh Conservative leader has been accused of engaging in “Islamophobic race baiting” and “dog-whistle racism” by the Muslim Council of Wales.

They say that pressure has been mounting for Andrew RT Davies in recent days over his controversial social media posts about Halal meat in Welsh schools:

Last week, he accused a school in the Vale of Glamorgan of serving Halal only lunches to pupils.

Before the school had a chance to respond, Mr Davies published the “incorrect” claims online.

The post went viral racking up millions of views after it was shared by the anti-Islam campaigner Tommy Robinson.

During a week that saw riots co-ordinated by the far-right in England, Mr Davies published further letters to Welsh councils asking for reassurances that non-Halal meat options are available for school children.

This sparked a string of offensive Islamophobic comments from followers of his Facebook page which weren’t removed.

The most senior Conservative in Wales says he is following up the legitimate concerns of his constituents.

He argues that ignoring queries, “leaves the field clear for extreme groups to exploit for their own ends”.

The Muslim Council, which advocates for the second largest faith group in Wales, says Mr Davies’ online posts have “real consequences on our streets and in our mosques”.

The group reached out to the Tory leader on July 26 asking for a meeting but did not receive a response.

The council says it’s fundamental that the Senedd’s opposition party listen to and represent the views and concerns of Muslims across Wales.

Muslim shadow minister, Natasha Asghar says she’s made her position on her leader’s recent Halal meat posts “abundantly clear to him”.

She said: “I have always believed in diversity, freedom of choice for everyone, and I hope that all children across Wales continue to be provided with dietary options suitable to them such as Halal, Kosher, and vegetarian within our schools.”

In recent days, Ms Asghar’s Newport constituency was daubed with Nazi symbols and racist messages.

The words “Bettws is not Halal” and “No to Islam” were sprayed onto a public footpath near a brook in Bettws along with swastikas.

Also in Newport, the Faizan e Madina mosque in Shaftesbury had its window smashed and another mosque in Bridgend had its online details altered to include pig emojis.

The Muslim Council of Wales is scathing in their condemnation of Andrew RT Davies' comments and their consequences:

“Andrew RT Davies is engaging in Islamophobic race-baiting, at a time when we require politicians to be the voice of reason and show moral leadership. The hamfisted attempts at dog-whistle racism may lead to more engagement online for Mr Davies, but have real consequences on our streets and in our mosques.

“A vibrant democracy requires both a competent government and a competent opposition. It is disappointing that under Mr Davies’ leadership, the Welsh Conservatives, are failing to present themselves as a competent and effective opposition.

“Many Muslim children face bullying and discrimination in schools, and Mr Davies’ public and misleading campaign on halal meat will undoubtedly have an impact on returning Muslim pupils in September.”

It is little wonder that other members of the Welsh Tory Senedd group are so uneasy about his leadership.
People need to be EDUCATED into Islam procedures and history. Rumours, whatever you want to call them, mislead. Explaining the procedures around Halal meat and non Halal meat could be discussed so that people know the difference and then decide for themselves
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