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Friday, August 23, 2024

Welsh Labour continues to fail health service

Nation Cymru reports that the latest Welsh NHS performance statistics have been described as ‘damning’ for new First Minister Eluned Morgan.

The site says that the Statistics released today by the Welsh Government on the activity and performance of the Welsh NHS between June and July 2024 have shown a further increase in waiting times across Wales for treatment, taking figures to a record high:

Baroness Morgan was appointed Wales’ Minister for Health and Social Services in 2021 and replaced Vaughan Gething as First Minister earlier this month.

The latest statistics reveal that at least 615,300 patients are currently on a waiting list in Wales, just under 20% of the total population. Those waiting more than a year for a first outpatient appointment rose by 5.5%.

There are also increases in the number of patients waiting over eight weeks for diagnostic services, patients waiting for therapy services and those starting cancer treatment.

Overall cancer treatment times improved over the month but remained well below target. 56.7% of patients started treatment within 62 days of cancer being first suspected. This is better than the last two months.

Ambulance response times also improved slightly, with 48.2% of “red” calls reached within eight minutes.

There were improvements to A and E waiting times, with 69.3% waiting less than four hours, however more than 10,100 patients waited more than 12 hours to receive treatment.

Labour have been in charge in Wales now for twenty five years and during that time both the health service, education and the economy have struggled to meet the targets set for them, often getting worse.
Peter, You mention the improvement in the number of Welsh Ambulance Service attending priority calls. Last Christmas, Carol's son's ex-partner (aged 40) had a heart attack. Her 2 teenage daughters saw their mother fighting for her life, before them. Including the 13 year old who has ADHD and other autistic issues. The 16 year old rung an ambulance to be told it would take an hour and a half for an ambulance to get there.
She phoned her grandfather who drove the 15'ish miles and put her in the car. She died 10 minutes before reaching Withybush Hospital in Haverfordwest. They got her breathing again, but a few days later, they switched the life support off.
We still await the result of the inquest, but is there a case for possible manslaughter charges against the WAS as this death is not an isolated case?
What's the use of target times if they are a joke. Maybe they need to be scrapped when its become a lottery whether an ambulance gets to you in time.
Do we need hospitals to release patients to a facility where those waiting a care package as they are well enough to leave hospital, can obtain basic care, whilst ambulances can drop off patients at a hospital and get onto their next urgent call, instead of waiting outside until a bed becomes available? Are ill patients dying because beds are blocked by patients deemed well enough to be released?
It pains me to be critical of the NHS, but as Wes Streeting said, the NHS is broken. 2 children have lost their mother and their father has had to give up a (very) well paid job, to live on benefits, to look after his 2 children.
Should the WAS face possible manslaughter charges?
I despair that the former Health Minister is now our First Minister.

You are right but I didnt refer to improvements in the ambulance service . That was an extract I quoted. The situation in hospitals is causing a major crisis for the ambulance service with 29 or so queuing outside A and E regularly and 20 hour waits to offload patients.
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