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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Cat fight in Number Ten

Never mind the rivalry between Sue Gray and Morgan McSweeney for Keir Starmer's ear in No.10 Downing Street, the real battle is between Larry and JoJo.

However, the Downing Street staff may be spared too much confrontation as it seems likely that Keir Starmer's cat may not have the run of Downing Street after all.

The Mirror reports that the Prime Minister is facing cat-astrophe as he tries to settle his beloved family pet in Downing Street.

They say that Starmer is reportedly keen to install a cat flap in the No11 flat to allow his rescue moggie JoJo to roam freely. However the plan has proved problematic - due to the bombproof door.

Mr Starmer previously said that the family cat was “treated with more respect in our household than I am”. Before the election, he told BBC Derby: "We've got a cat called JoJo, revered by the kids. JoJo was a cat we got from a rescue centre.

"JoJo is treated with far more respect in our household than I am. When I walk through the door I have to put the baggage of being Leader of the Labour Party down, I'm Dad and I'm fair game for the kids to ridicule me, laugh at me etc.

"But JoJo, on the other hand, if JoJo wants food, or a seat on the settee, or to sit on the kid's bed he's got pride of place.”

Now it looks like he will only be able to wander onto Larry's turf under supervision. Still, the fur may fly.
How many cat fights are we to have? Has round one begun?
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