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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Who will be choosing the next Prime Minister?

It is fair to say that most of us are watching the machinations and intrigues around selecting the next leader of the Conservative Party, and our next Prime Minister, with a mixture of astonishment and horror. It is like seeing a slow motion car crash in horrendous detail on a loop tape, so terrifying that even though we have seen it once, twice, three times, we still can't turn our head away.

But who are these 120,00 people who will be determining the fate of our country, and how representative are they of the rest of the country? The Independent thinks that it knows:

What we know about the make-up of the Tory membership is very little, because the party refuses to release demographic details.

However, helpfully, a research initiative by Queen Mary University of London and the University of Sussex has been surveying members of all parties since 2015. This is what it has found about our new Tory masters:
So, this selectorate is strongly white, male, wealthy, Telegraph-loving and fiercely opposed to compromise on Brexit. There does seem to be at least one candidate matching that description – his second name is Johnson.

We are doomed, doomed, I tell you.
There appears to be a lazy assumption in the popular press and indeed in the Westminster bubble that whoever becomes Tory leader will become PM. That assumes that the new leader manages to retain all the MPs currently taking the Tory whip. If it's Johnson then this cannot be taken for granted and it only takes a handful to leave and he wouldn't have a majority even with the DUP and wouldn't be able to win a vote of confidence, let alone deliver any kind of Brexit.
So unless the Tory faithful dump Johnson - a fairly unlikely pros[pect in my view - we may face a general election and then a referendum in short order. Or maybe the government of national unity to dump Brexit via a referendum might become other than fantasy.
We do live in interesting times.
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