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Thursday, October 26, 2017

More Brexit shambles

Just as I will always associate the word pie with apple, so Brexit has become synonymous with the word shambles, and today is no different. Today's episode in this long-running but tragic soap opera has seen the minister leading negotiations being forced into an embarrassing climbdown, while officials highlight major flaws in the UK’s withdrawal plans.

The Independent reports that Brexit Secretary David Davis performed a same-day U-turn after angering Downing Street by claiming the House of Commons may not get to approve any Brexit deal until after the country has left the EU.

At the same time and in a difficult day for Theresa May, the UK’s ex-ambassador to Brussels also suggested her approach could leave Britain “screwed” in negotiations, while HMRC could not say border systems will be ready in time for a “no deal” Brexit.

The Government's troubles were further deepened when Ex-attorney general Dominic Grieve, who is leading attempts to reshape the PM’s Brexit plans, said Britain may have to extend its EU membership beyond March 2019 to allow time for a final deal to be properly ratified by Parliament.

If it were not so serious it would be funny.
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