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Wednesday, December 05, 2012

First Minister personally authorised attempt to censor soap opera

Yesterday's First Minister's questions were instructive if only because it became clear for the first time that the Welsh Government's attempt to censor references on Pobl y Cwm to their policy on a badger cull had been personally authorised by Carwyn Jones.

The Western Mail reports that the First Minister told the chamber that the episode contained direct criticism of a government and that this had not previously been seen before in the history of soap operas in the UK. He clearly does not listen to the Archers. He also said that the fact the episode clashed with by-elections in Rotherham, Croydon North and Middlesbrough raised issues that “had to be resolved”.

Quite how an episode of Pobl y Cwm can impact on elections in Rotherham, Croydon North and Middlesbrough was beyond the understanding of most members in the chamber. Who knew that viewing figures for a Welsh Language soap opera were so high in these areas?
It's quite possible that more people watched Pobl y Cwm than voted Lib Dem in Rotherham.
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