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Thursday, June 10, 2010

More trouble for Plaid Cymru

As the current examination of the Welsh Language Measure and the associated consultation is meant to be an open process with no pre-conceptions on the part of the Minister, then I am sure that the latest letter from 14 Welsh organisations, including teaching union UCAC and Friends of the Earth Cymru will not cause him a problem. However, I am not so sure that he will so easily convince his Labour allies of the merits of all their suggestions.

The letter says:

We had a welcome opportunity to present evidence and receive a fair hearing for our ideas to strengthen the Measure from the citizen's perspective. Among those ideas, we want to see an unambiguous statement that the Welsh language is an official language in Wales, a statement never before included in previous legislation. Now is the time to take that step.

The evidence shows that linguistic rights, official status and an independent Commissioner would improve services through the medium of Welsh for our members across Wales.

These are the amendments that we would like you, as Minister, to table to the Welsh Language Measure.

The Welsh language is of course a red line issue for Plaid Cymru in the One Wales Government. If they cannot deliver on the expectations of their supporters then they may well find problems in maintaining their core support at next year's Assembly elections.
Plaid? Deliver? As if.

Most of the Plaid AMs I hear in the chamber seem to be unaware that they are even in a coalition. I've lost count of the number of times a question from a Plaid backbencher includes the words "your Government"!
There was a document commissioned by WAG into Initial Teacher Training in Wales, from which a number of recommendations were suggested, these include:

Recommendation 3 That the Welsh Assembly Government encourages ITT providers to develop courses that are focused, first and foremost, on preparing new teachers to teach within Welsh schools.

Recommendation 10 That the continuation of current funding levels to HEIs be conditional on the development of new provision that meets the criteria set out in this Report and that current Welsh
language numbers be protected within the new degree.

Recommendation 13 That the funding of these changes (Recommendations 9-12) should be largely cost neutral. Any savings achieved by for example the reduction in secondary numbers should be
used to address the current under-funding of ITT and the development of strong centres of bilingual
provision in each of the major regions of Wales.

Recommendation 24 That new provision through the medium of Welsh is progressively developed
for secondary ITT in the South West Wales School of Education.

Recommendation 25 That the Welsh Assembly Government should commission a study of the
potential of the new Welsh Internship Teacher Scheme and other flexible routes in increasing the number of Welsh speaking entrants to teaching. If it is assessed that there is such potential, then the eventual provider of that scheme should be commissioned to work with the Welsh Language Board on the development of such provision.

Recommendation 26 That, as a matter of priority, the Welsh Assembly Government establish a new
Review in order to consider the supply and training needs of all teachers able to teach through the
medium of Welsh.

I could go on Peter, but it's starting to get boring cutting and paste-ing these recommendations.

Perhaps questions need to be asked as to how close the WAG is on achieving these recommendations if at all.

Review on initial teacher training provision in Wales, J. Furlong et.al U. of Oxon. Dept., of Ed. Studies. January 2006
What's your view on official status for Welsh, Peter, and what, if anything, would you change in the draft Measure?
I support the views in this letter.
“If” you support the views in the letter, then you should start by ensuring your party embraces full bilingualism. How many English only leaflets did your Party produce on behalf of candidates at the last General Election? (Ask your head office). Should not the Liberal Democrats be fully bilingual in all its literature? It would be hypocritical for any Party to say they support Welsh Language legislation while they fail to set an example themselves.
Perhaps Plaid should too put it's litrature out in Welsh as well as English. Never has done in Maesteg West!!

Do as I say not as I do!!!!!!!!!
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