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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

An appetite for power?

Conservative AM, Alun Cairns tells this morning's Western Mail that the Labour/ Plaid Cymru coalition is damaging the case for turning the National Assembly into a proper lawmaking Parliament by the way it treats the opposition.

This conclusion is based on the fact that the government failed to support any of Alun's amendments to the Learner Travel Measure and dismissed out of hand his attempt to introduce a Measure to give the Assembly Government the power to seek statistical information on children with special educational needs. Plaid Cymru and Labour have also voted down Measures and LCOs from myself and Mike German.

Quite reasonably the Assembly Government spokesperson points out that they have supported some private members bills from Huw Lewis, Jenny Randerson and Helen Mary Jones. They say that the rate of success for backbenchers in Cardiff Bay on such occasions is greater than it is in Westminster.

There is of course some truth in both points of view. Claims by Alun Cairns of a non-partisan approach to his amendments on the Learner Travel Measure for example are greatly exaggerated. On the other hand one does get the impression that the governing parties are reluctant to explore good ideas that come through from backbenchers by allowing them to proceed to scrutiny. By all means vote them down if you do not agree with them but at least give the proposer the chance to see if a workable compromise can be reached on the legislation.

I suppose the big test will come tomorrow when Conservative AM, David Melding proposes his Legislative Competence Order to give the Assembly Government the power to appoint a Welsh Language Commissioner. I wonder how Plaid Cymru will vote on that one.
"...I suppose the big test will come tomorrow when Conservative AM, David Melding proposes his Legislative Competence Order to give the Assembly Government the power to appoint a Welsh Language Commissioner. I wonder how Plaid Cymru will vote on that one."

That's the big question, but does Plaid give a tinkers cuss about the Welsh Language?

In the May LA elections, Plaid didn't put out any of their material in Welsh, just English, much to my wife’s disgust. Actually, I don't think the Plaid candidate for Maesteg West can speak Welsh.

Similarly, the newly elected Plaid Councillor for Llangynwyd immediately joined the Labour coalition, saying that the Rainbow Alliance hasn’t done anything for the Llynfi Valley. Just to remind readers, Bridgend now has a Welsh Comprehensive School thanks to the Rainbow Alliance, with no financial help from WAG.

So, how committed are Plaid to the Welsh Language?

G. Lewis
Ogmore Lib Dems
"Actually, I don't think the Plaid candidate for Maesteg West can speak Welsh."

and your point is......???

David Walters
...so much for promoting the welsh language!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It would appear that both Bethan Jenkins and Dr Dai Lloyd voted against this LCO.

I rest my case.

G. Lewis
Ogmore Lib Dems
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