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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Going for Gold

I am more than happy to be joining Kirsty Williams outside Swansea's LC this morning as she announces her intention to stand for the leadership of the Welsh Liberal Democrats. As I say in this article she will make an outstanding leader.

In other news the world is due to end shortly afterwards.

Just joking Kirsty!
Readers of your blog may not be aware of the Drake Equation; this equation was formulated by Dr Frank Drake, Uni. of California, Santa Cruz, in 1960.

The equation gives a best estimate of the number of extraterrestrial civilisations in our galaxy, the Milky Way; the equation goes along the lines of:

N = R* x f(p) x n(e) x f(l) x f(i) x f(c) x L


R* is the rate of star formation in our galaxy

f(p) is the number of those stars with plants

n(e) is the number of those planets that can support life (Goldie lock’s Zone, not too hot, not too cold but just right)

f(l) is the fraction of those planets that go on to develop “life”

f(i) is the fraction of those life forms that goes on to develop “intelligent life”

f(c) is the fraction of those intelligent life forms that goes on to form civilisations that can broadcast their existence into space.

L is the length of time that those civilisations continue broadcasting into space.

Estimates of this number N vary from 2.3 to around 5,000, so why haven’t we heard from these Extra terrestrials? This is the so called Fermi Paradox (a.k.a. Fermi – Hart Paradox).

There are two possible solutions to the Fermi Paradox:
1) No other civilisation currently exists
2) Civilisations exist but they chose not to communicate with us.

Taking the first solution, no other civilisation currently exists. This could be due to a number of reasons, this includes that no other civilisation has arisen (Drake equation is only an estimate, this value could just be ONE); Human Beings were created alone (see Genesis for details); it’s in the nature of intelligent life to destroy itself or others (the Doomsday argument)

Doomsday Argument: “Technological civilizations may usually or invariably destroy themselves before or shortly after developing radio or space flight technology.”

Possible means of annialation include:

Nuclear War
Biological Warfare
Nanotechnological catastrophies (grey goo, self replicating nanobots)
Ill advised physics experiments, creating run-away black holes, strange matter, another universe etc.
Environmental disasters.

Special thanks to Wikipedia.

G. Lewis
Bridgend Lib Dems
Well, if the world does end at least then WAG will have a good excuse for failing to meet is self-imposed target of building 6,500 new affordable homes by 2011.

Likewise with respect to the deplorable rate of registered patent output which continues to undermine Wales's ability to soundly build on its key asset: Welsh IP.

By failing to increase the registered patent output of the constituent colleges and universities of Wales - WAG is giving away its future tax base.

Meanwhile liberals in the Welsh Assembly building seem more concerned about the views of Sarah Palin than in protecting Welsh intellectual property, so it's not really that surprising that the Welsh economy is floundering and well behind the UK average in terms of GVA per head of population.
Best of luck to Kirsty, she'll bring some real fresh air to future debates involving the 4 party leaders in Wales.
Forget this story, why did you pull the Plaid Cymru Bunker video post?

Its much more interesting and hilariously funny!

Come on Peter - your readership deserve a full explanation why you decided to pull this story?

You didn't chicken out did you?

To remind you the URL is copied below:

Because on reviewing it I decided it was inappropriate and open to misinterpretation.
Thanks for the explanation although I cannot see how it could misinterpreted?

It is just a humourous video on YouTube after all (called 'Plaid Cymru Bunker' for anyone interested)

You should trust your readership more Peter and accept that even Plaid Cymru members like myself, have a sense of humour :-)
Some were getting a bit hot under the collar. I also think that it is possible that some of it is dodgy and the language a bit too extreme for this otherwise mild-mannered blog.
Because on reviewing it I decided it was inappropriate and open to misinterpretation.

"Misinterpretation? I think that's being very kind to the maker of the video! The video is full of vicious lies which don't leave much space for misinterpretation.

I was quite surprised to see you applauding it without even commenting on the malicious allegations in it to be honest and I can understand why you eventually thought better of it.

(it's still a funny video though, as long as you take it with a great big bag of salt!)
"The video is full of vicious lies which don't leave much space for misinterpretation."

Come on, it's called satire!

If you want some vicious lies, go and look at Neil Mcevoy's videos!

Giles Hadron Collider - I salute you sir, especially your choice of name!
Anon - Before the last elections there were rumours being spread that Councillors were receiving free flats from a developer as bribes - this is directly repeated in the video and is the malicious lies I was talking about.

As I said, the video is otherwise well done and funny enough (which is why I posted it on my blog) but that part of it is very unpleasent.
Guys, 'the bottom line" here is that Plain have 'lost the plot'. How so? They are in power (part of the WAG), and what exactly are Plaid doing about protecting Wales's most valuable asset? Next to nothing. Plain is letting Wales down. Wales can be a smart small country, but not under Plaid's 'leadership'.
Apparently episode 2 of the Plaid Cymru bunker is out tomorrow
Yes it is, I've seen it!
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