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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Pressure grows on Tory to stand down

As I predicted here, the logic of Alun Cairn's position in accepting that his comments on Italians amounts to a resigning issue with regards to his Assembly posts but not his parliamentary candidature in the Vale of Glamorgan, is under challenge.

Two Labour MPs have now called for Mr. Cairns to stand down as a PPC, whilst Tory Central Office has suspended him as a candidate "pending an investigation by the party chairman".

Alun's problem with regards to this particular investigation is that he has effectively pre-empted its conclusion by resigning as Tory Education Spokesperson and Chair of the Assembly's Finance Committee.

Even with the best will in the world it is difficult to see how the Tory Chairman can come to any other conclusion than that Alun's candidature in a key marginal is as sensitive if not more so than his Assembly posts.
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