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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Star struck

The obsession of politicians with celebrity reared its head in the chamber yesterday as the South Wales East Conservative, William Graham, gave away a great secret - he has been sneakily watching the World Cup or at least his researcher has:

William Graham: You will be aware of the success-or lack of success last night, if you consider the German football team-of German footballer Michael Ballack's anti-smoking campaign in his country. Could you encourage sportswomen and sportsmen in Wales to give a similar anti-drugs and anti-drinking message?

What the record of proceedings do not record is that at this point Rhodri Glyn Thomas shouted out 'Remember Lemmy' and earned himself a withering look from PO.

To be fair it was a good question and a point well-made so ignore my snide remarks. I am just upset that I didn't think of asking the question first.
Zinodine Zidane has let the side down though, by sneaking a quick cigarette where he could be snapped by an alert paparazzo.
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