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Friday, September 20, 2024

Welsh Labour's half empty echo chamber

The Welsh Government may not be responsible for the cut in winter fuel payments, but there is little doubt that their objective of reducing fuel poverty is going to be severely set back by the actions of the UK Government. 

In these circumstances, surely it is reasonable for Welsh Ministers to at least express some regret or remorse for those pensioners in Wales who will be struggling to heat their homes this winter.

However, the general reaction of Labour MSs when asked to condemn the means testing of the winter fuel payments very much looks like one of denial.

The BBC reports that Social Justice Secretary, Jane Hutt stood up in the Senedd and defended cuts to winter fuel payments for most pensioners.

When Labour in the Senedd were challenged to back calls for the UK government to reverse the plans, and were warned that the cut will have a "devastating impact" with an estimated 500,000 losing up to £300 this winter. Jane Hutt said "difficult decisions" were being taken because of a £22bn "black hole" in UK public finances.

This is, of course, true but every financial decision is a choice and there were alternatives that wouldn't have left so many pensioners having to choose between eating and heating.

Perhaps the real tell is the fact that only two Labour MSs spoke in the debate, while most of the others missed the debate altogether. This loyalty to the UK government is misplaced. It is time that Welsh Labour stands up for the people they represent.

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