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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Labour play the race card

Nation Cymru report that a divide in Welsh Labour over the leadership of the First Minister appears to have deepened further with one senior Labour source declaring, “we can’t carry on like this”.

They say that this source has indicated to them that some Labour MSs are making plans to move against the First Minister in a no confidence vote, claiming that “It’s going to be a horrible few weeks.” While another senior Labour source told the news website that: “The time will come where many of us will have to say something publicly.”

Gething's case cannot have been helped by the ludicrous claim by Welsh Labour’s BAME committee that some of the criticism by the press “has gone well beyond what one can reasonably call fair scrutiny” and that: 'scrutiny in recent weeks has crossed a line between fair examination and racially influenced attitudes and judgement, with a Black person being held to a higher standard.'

Cabinet Secretary Dawn Bowden in a tweet said: “Racism is in plain sight for those who want to see it” and later added: “The narrative around Vaughan Gething has all the hallmarks of institutional racism that I thought we had left behind a long time ago.”

The Daily Mail article that she referred to is vicious and misguided, but the claim that it is full of 'racially-charged language' as she suggested, is nonsense.

It is hardly surprising that the senior Welsh Labour source claimed to the news site that some of their colleagues had “gone overboard” at the weekend.

Some Labour politicians may be feeling the heat, but the questions that are being asked of Gething are perfectly legitimate and have nothing to do with his racial characteristics. They would be asked of any other politician in his position who had compromised themselves in the same way.

But let's just analyse what Labour are saying here. They are suggesting that because Vaughan Gething is a member of an ethnic minority then he should be judged by a different standard to everybody else.

It's funny how they don't take the same view of Rishi Sunak.

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